Sober Companion &
Recovery Companion Services
Who We Serve
Your Greatest Support - Where and When You Need it Most
Sober Companion Services
There is just nothing more valuable than the personal, one on one support of a skilled and seasoned Sober (or Recovery) Companion to help you anchor yourself firmly in recovery after leaving the protected environment of a treatment center, detox or after experiencing relapse. I have the deepest compassion for anyone who finds themselves at that crossroad. I know just how difficult it can be to gain your footing in early stage recovery, no matter how hard one tries or how many times they begin again.
You see, I've not just been living recovery for the last 35+ years but studying it as well – for decades now, both personally and ultimately professionally. I never intended to. It just became a relentless pursuit, as I continued on my own healing journey, to understand why so many did not recover from alcoholism and addiction (of all sorts), and so few did. And not just addiction. Why do so many suffer from so much mental and emotional pain, that medication, quite often, simply doesn't help without causing other symptoms or worse?
Today, my life is completely committed to the purpose of sharing this natural path to recovery from addiction and so many mental health challenges as well. I'm referring to long term recovery that is, the kind that becomes a whole new way of life, and doesn't come with a "label" of permanence either.
What I know today is, early stage recovery is the most difficult in the recovery process. Its where you are the most vulnerable, considering the enormous amount of change that must occur, so, not surprising, its where the most relapse occurs. This is precisely where you need the strongest support and a proper understanding of and awareness of exactly when relapse will occur because until you stop relapsing, you will never move into stable, long term recovery, no matter how many times you begin again. Relapse is optional.
This method provides that, in no uncertain terms, a reliable, internally generated awareness of approaching relapse and an internally generated means to prevent it from occurring. All self generated. Do you need support for this? You bet, but just long enough to be introduced to your own internal systems, re-introduced really, by first developing the awareness of when they are being triggered for potential relapse, and secondly, practicing the process for naturally reversing that tension and ultimately resolving many of the sources of tension, should you choose to.
It also provides a new and natural understanding, beyond our genetics, of a far more tangible, logical and compassionate cause of alcoholism and addiction, one supported by the biology of our central nervous system. With even a small shift in our understanding of addiction, so many of the puzzles pieces, that have eluded us, just fall into place. And because its organic, of our natural design, it poses no threat to any treatment plan underway.
This method is the fastest way, and most effective path to stable, long term recovery as we focus and anchor you in learning and practicing the solution, and we do so in real time, applying it in every area of your daily life and daily routines. We do this, just long enough for you to plant your roots deep enough to demonstrate the relapse prevention tool at the center of this Method is fully engaged.​
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